WGT Financial is committed to help families and individuals protect what matters most to them, their legacy and a secure retirement.

Our team operating under PHP Agency, represents some of the top carriers in the industry, who have been around for more than 100 years. Get in touch today to learn more about Mortgage Protection, Final Expense, Indexed Universal Life and Fixed Indexed annuities


we assist families by

providing financial

planing and education


we partner with world

renowned organigations to

ceates solutions for your

uniqe needs


Our agents create plans to

secure you financially, so

you don't have to

Term Life Insurance

Return-Of-Premium Term

Indexed Universal Life

Fixed Indexed Annuity

Term Life Insurance

Term life insurance provides coverage for a predetermined amount of time, typically between 1 – 35 years. Death benefit will payout if the policy owner passes away within the term of the policy.

Cost effective option for young growing families or individuals looking for more affordable coverage.

There is no guarantee of renewal when the term ends; however, certain term policies may allow for an option to renew.

Term Life Insurance

Term life insurance provides coverage for a predetermined amount of time, typically between 1 – 35 years. Death benefit will payout if the policy owner passes away within the term of the policy.

Cost effective option for young growing families or individuals looking for more affordable coverage.

There is no guarantee of renewal when the term ends; however, certain term policies may allow for an option to renew.

Indexed Universal Life Insurance

Indexed Universal Life (IUL) is a permanent policy similar to a traditional UL policy through its flexibility of premium and death benefit; however, it also features a higher growth potential through index interest crediting. The policy owner has the ability to choose a percentage of the cash value to invest within specified “indexes” (such as the S&P 500 or Nasdaq 100) to increase the chances of larger returns.

Return-Of-Premium Term

We offer a compelling Return of Premium (ROP) term insurance policy which returns all contributed premiums if the insured outlives the term period.

Premium returns can start as early as the second year.

Life insurance protection in place if needed and return of premium investments if not.

Return-Of-Premium Term

We offer a compelling Return of Premium (ROP) term insurance policy which returns all contributed premiums if the insured outlives the term period.

Premium returns can start as early as the second year.

Life insurance protection in place if needed and return of premium investments if not.

Fixed Indexed Annuity

With Fixed Indexed Annuities, premiums are tied to an index and credited in a similar fashion to IULs. As with IULs, Fixed Indexed Annuities offer principal protection and a death benefit, with the possibility for gains contingent upon market performance.

A type of tax-deferred insurance product. Can be structured to provide income for life, acting as another resource for retirement income. Provides protection from market decline with a guaranteed floor.

We’ve Been Able To Help Families and Individuals Get protected! Some have shared their experience working with us!

Exclusive Encounters with Great Minds

Our motto is “let's grow together, so we never have to grow apart”

and we want you to be a part of that, so We can Grow Together.

Who WE Are

We were both born and raised in Los Angeles, CA. Met in high school and graduated from California State University, Los Angeles.

After undergoing a serious illness that almost took Chris’s life, we realized how blessed we were to have something in place for us to fall back on. We observed closely how many people in the latino community were very misinformed and relied on fundraisers to overcome financial burdens at the loss of a loved one. Shortly after we began our journey with PHP Agency where we honed many skills and shared our story to the community and the importance of not only protecting your loved one, but being able to break the generational curse.

WGT Financial, is a brand that we created not only to help serve families and individuals, but to create relationships and a culture where we can encourage self growth and opportunities to thrive financially, spiritually, and physically.



Your Guide To Peace Of Mind

Exploring the opportunity to make a

career change? Let’s connect!

We are looking forward to meeting you, building a relationship with you, and helping you reach your goals and dreams.

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